
How to Cope with Loss and Prepare for Disaster

Homeowners in California’s Wine Country impacted by destructive wildfires are just beginning to comprehend the devastation as they start to navigate the process of fixing or rebuilding their damaged property. The process of dealing with insurance companies following a wildfire can be emotionally taxing, and even more so if you encounter denial of coverage by an insurance company that looks for ways to escape its obligation to investigate or pay you for a claim.

For those who are picking up the pieces, you’ll want to contact your insurance company as soon as possible and make a wildfire claim. An insurance adjuster may do an onsite visit to assess the damage. You’ll want to document evidence through photographs or video. Writ down a home inventory list that you can provide your insurer along with a “proof of loss” form which included a description of damaged or destroyed items.

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If you or someone you know has been affected by the california wildfires and would like to know more about what action to take, contact a kbk lawyer.


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KBK is dedicated to maximizing recovery.  We have recovered over One Billion Dollars for injured and abused plaintiffs.  KBK has experience fighting for and obtaining justice for women and children who have suffered sexual abuse at the hands of perpetrators permitted to flourish while public institutions turned a blind eye to their suffering. Most recently, KBK obtained a $6.8 Million settlement from a K-8 school that turned a blind eye to the sexual abuse of several boys by their teacher.

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