Homeowners in California’s Wine Country impacted by destructive wildfires are just beginning to comprehend the devastation as they start to navigate the process of fixing or rebuilding their damaged property. The process of dealing with insurance companies following a wildfire can be emotionally taxing, and even more so if you encounter denial of coverage by an insurance company that looks for ways to escape its obligation to investigate or pay you for a claim.
Financial Fraud
Kabateck LLP fights tirelessly to obtain justice for clients but our work doesn’t stop there. Many of the cases we successfully try in court or negotiate in mediation can become a catalyst for change in the community or at the state level. Our firm is proud to work closely with lawmakers as they draft and introduce legislation that helps promote consumer protections and enforce consumer rights.
Unclogging Courts
As a past President of the Consumer Attorneys of California, Mr. Kabateck has drafted numerous legislation and is currently working with lawmakers in Sacramento on several bills including one aimed at unclogging California courts.
LACBA Leadership
Brian Kabateck's vision is to provide vibrant young lawyers who want to be great lawyers and want to embrace the practice of law in all aspects need a home where they can share ideas and work with their colleagues. We need to do a better job of providing that forum.